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Q Theatre

Be touched by KIRI, Louise Potiki-Bryant, Paerau Corneal and Paddy Free’s 12-minute performance wonder, sent from above and fed live to the Festival Garden screen.

Dancer and Arts Laureate Louise Potiki-Bryant is joined by clay artist Paerau Corneal and musician Paddy Free for three performances of KIRI, a compelling and beautifully crafted work bringing to life the creation of Hine-ahu-one. Two of these performances will be fed live onto the screen in the TimeOut Festival Garden in Aotea Square.  

8.30pm*, 10pm and 11.30pm* - 12 minutes. Asterisked performances fed live onto TimeOut Festival Garden screen.

While you're there check out Bioillumination downstairs or sip White Night cocktails at the bar.